AI Vision based Spaghetti Analysis
Vision AI for Work Area Layout Enhancement.
Optimisation of excess movement between workstations can improve process efficiency. MotionLogic® can quantify excess movement between work areas.
A reduction in nonessential movements increases capacity, and enables more tasks to be undertaken with the same level of staff resourcing. Our solution analyses walking movement patterns to provide layout enhancement recommendations.
MotionLogic® bolsters traditional Lean techniques with 24/7 empirical comprehension of work area layout. Our tool can provide insights on the root causes of waiting and excess motion.
Our tool uses visual perception to provide layout enhancement recommendations, decluttering work area design.
Hypothetical Case Study
COGS (of an ergonomically-intensive workflow)
*Reduction In Waiting and Excess Motion
Margin Enhancement
Pixel Privacy
Traversal has developed camera technology to preserve the privacy of individuals in visual scenes.
We pseudonymise our data, and remove individually identifying features, including blurring faces.